Accounting Principles
On the basis of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2021/2139 of June 4, 2021, one Taxonomy-eligible activity has been identified, from which PSE has generated revenue in 2021. It is:
4.9 Transmission and distribution of electricity
Then, based on the provisions of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2021/2139 of June 4, 2021 PSE analysed the individual business segments, which were assigned to two categories:
- category I – bringing together business areas of the company that are eligible for the Taxonomy,
- category II – bringing together business areas of the company that are not eligible for the Taxonomy.
Due to the fact that PSE is a Transmission System Operator (TSO) – defined in the Energy Law – as an energy company engaged in the transmission of electricity, the areas eligible for the Taxonomy include revenues as defined in the Electricity Tariff for 2021 for:
- services of electricity transmission through the transmission grid (fixed and variable grid fee),
- use of the Polish power system (quality fee),
- provision of settlements for the exchange of electricity between the Polish power system and the electricity systems of the countries which are not members of the European Union (market fee),
- the provision of access to the Polish power system (transitional fee),
- ensuring the availability of electricity from renewable energy sources in the Polish power system (RES fee),
- ensuring the availability of electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration (cogeneration fee),
- being ready to supply electricity to the electricity system and delivering this electricity to the system in system stress events (capacity fee),
- connection to the transmission grid (connection fee),
- revenues from the sale of electricity on the Balancing Market as part of the physical performance of energy purchase/sale agreements concluded by the participants and the real-time balancing of electricity demand with generation in the Polish Power System (PPS),
- obtained from the Inter-Transmission System Operator Compensation (ITC) mechanism,
obtained from the operational deliveries within the inter-operator cross-border electricity exchange,
- making transmission capacity available on synchronous interconnections (interconnections with Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia) and on non-synchronous interconnections (interconnections with Sweden and Lithuania) and the interconnection with Ukraine.
PSE, as a Transmission System Operator, also carries out other activities, which are a marginal part of its business. It has adopted the principle of materiality, according to which events occurring in the company that do not significantly affect the asset and financial position of the entity will not be included in the Taxonomy. A percentage indicator was used to determine the materiality (significance) threshold. The determination of the materiality threshold percentage is based on the volume of total sales revenue. The materiality threshold was set at more than 1 per cent of the company’s total revenue. Revenues from other activities amounted to 0.15 percent of total revenues and were therefore included in category II, which gathers together the company’s areas of activity that do not qualify for the Taxonomy.